The early stages of onychomycosis

Onychomycosis is a disease that brings a lot of trouble to people. The severe itching, burning, and cosmetic problems associated with the unsightly appearance of paws are not all the problems caused by this disease. The longer the problem is ignored, the more severe the condition will progress and the appearance of the nails will become increasingly unsightly. In addition, gradually the entire body will be poisoned by the waste products of the fungal microbiota. But how not to ignore the initial stages of onychomycosis, which are easier and cheaper to treat than the later stages? Carefully monitor the condition of not only your nails, but also the skin of your hands and feet. In this article, we’ll discuss how not to get this disease and what you should do in the first place so that your beautiful pink nails don’t turn into Baba Yaga’s crooked claws over time.Visual manifestations of early stage onychomycosis

Why do the early stages of onychomycosis occur?

The elderly and people with weakened immune systems are most susceptible to infection. At the same time, no one is immune to fungal diseases: even children can "catch" an unpleasant disease.Fungal spores are ubiquitous in the modern world and are extremely hardy, surviving on soil surfaces even at low temperatures. But most importantly, they "like" warmth and moisture, where they reproduce very quickly. Warm, public spaces with high foot traffic are the fungi’s favorite habitats. Bathrooms, saunas, swimming pools, health clubs: once a person with the fungus visits these places, tiny virus-infected skin scales will appear on almost any surface. Imagine if you read this article for general development and not because of the need to treat fungal diseases in their initial stages, how often you visit these institutions and consider yourself very lucky.Sometimes walking barefoot in a bathhouse is enough, or wearing someone else's flip-flops is enough, as is an appointment with a dermatologist or mycologist. Of course, you don't have to worry ahead of time: If a person has a weak immune system or has cracks, calluses, or wounds in their skin, the infection can take hold in the body. By the way, the public transport that we use multiple times a day over time is also a dangerous habitat for fungal spores.
The disease can be "caught" in nail salons, putting both customers and employees at risk. Fungal infections often result from the use of poorly sterilized instruments.
Many chronic diseases can also cause unpleasant illnesses.Wearing uncomfortable, tight, non-breathable shoes made from unnatural materials can also often lead to unpleasant infections. In such shoes, the feet sweat and provide a very favorable environment for fungal spores.

Signs of Nail Plate Fungus

The early stages of onychomycosis fungus are often not obvious, so people who don't pay attention to themselves may not notice the nail problem until the nails are already severely damaged, and treatment will cost a fortune.So what are the symptoms of onychomycosis on hands and feet that can be detected immediately? In the initial stages of fungal disease, the nails retain their usual pink color and the nail plate is smooth and shiny. Gradually, the structural part of the nail thickens, delaminations and small damages occur. There are many types of fungi, each with specific symptoms, but there are also common symptoms of fungal diseases.How does onychomycosis start to appear on toenails and toenails? The symptoms are much the same: The initial stages of a fungal infection can be identified by severe itching when the nail plate is still smooth and pink. The affected area may become itchy, making it difficult to carry out normal daily activities. Itching and burning sensations can be felt directly on the nails and skin. A pungent, unpleasant odor often occurs.The skin between the fingers becomes red and inflamed. Gradually, the natural shine of the nail plate disappears and becomes cloudy, making the nail bed difficult to see through. Nails become bumpy, bumpy, or wavy, which is clearly visible both to the touch and to the eye. Gaps appear between the nails and the bed and are easily noticeable. Certain areas of the nail can turn yellow or even brown.The initial stages of nail plate fungus can sometimes be detected by peeling, brittle nails. Of course, falling off your nails doesn't always mean your nails are "sick, " but it's often a sign of a fungal infection. Furthermore, we have already said that infecting spores can penetrate damaged skin.What do the initial stages of toenail fungus look like? Photos are equally informative: Early symptoms of onychomycosis - lack of shine, gaps between nails and bedOnychomycosis - in its early stages, looks like this: The nails also become bumpy, dull, and have white spots. Most commonly, this type of disease occurs in women with "active" arms. The right hands of right-handed people are particularly susceptible to this unpleasant disease because they spend the longest time in harsh environments, causing their nails to quickly thin and become destroyed.Changes in plate thickness are typical for nails, hands, and feet during the initial stages of fungal infection. Depending on the type of fungus and the cause of the disease, the plates may become thicker or, conversely, thinner.Photos of fungus on nails in its initial stages are equally impressive:White spots on nails are signs of fungal growth

Early treatment of onychomycosis

Like other diseases, onychomycosis responds better to treatment in the initial stages. In this case, you can use topical products, which, by the way, are not cheap. There are many local remedies to resolve this issue. The earlier surgery is started, the less likely it is that the infection will develop further.These medications are applied directly to the nail or the skin near the nail. Varnish against nail fungus is an effective treatment that works quickly and is very easy to use. These preparations penetrate deeply into the nails and, due to their texture, remain on them for a long time. Choose the drug based on the type of fungus.Antifungal drops also work deep into the nail tissue, and there are plenty of products to choose from, too. They disinfect the nail plate, kill bacteria, and prevent fungal spores from multiplying. Drops help heal the initial stages of onychomycosis.Lotions are less common but can also help early on. They act on the surface of the nail plate.Ointments to treat onychomycosis have become common. Mainly used to treat the skin around damaged plates. With their help, the infection can be prevented from spreading to undamaged areas, including new nails.A special spray is used to prevent the disease and as part of treatment. Or have your feet and shoes treated.In the early stage of mycosis, topical drugs are mainly used for treatment. When the condition progresses, doctors will prescribe oral drugs. These medications are effective if a small portion of the nail plate is infected.Modern medicine offers many ways to eliminate this disease. An expensive but effective method in the initial stages is laser treatment. Direct a device with laser radiation to the damaged area.The initial stages of onychomycosis may require only 4 of these surgeries. However, this method must be used in conjunction with the above-mentioned drugs.Ozone therapy involves saturating tissues with ozone. Special injections are given into the skin near the affected nail. This process helps delay the development of the fungus and prevents its spores from multiplying.Of course, you should not forget about folk remedies for treating onychomycosis in the initial stages. There are many of them. Traditional methods are good because they are easy to use and economical. For example, treating fungi with salt and soda is very effective in the early stages of the disease.


Fungus is difficult to treat: it takes a lot of time, effort and money, and treatment can sometimes be delayed for years. Therefore, it is necessary to take preventive measures so as not to "catch" unpleasant diseases.Maintaining personal hygiene is extremely important: never wear someone else's shoes. When going to a shoe store, only try on your own socks and don't use socks provided by the seller. Of course, you can't try on shoes barefoot.After taking public transportation, it is necessary to wash your hands thoroughly with soap. It's best to wash your nails with tar soap. Use precautions, there are many. Treat shoes regularly with an antifungal spray.When going to the nail salon, it’s a good idea to bring your own set of tools with you, and they need to be sanitized regularly.It’s important to wash your socks and tights every day, and remember to iron them well afterwards. Bedding should be washed frequently at high temperatures.If fungus does affect the nails, it is necessary to protect loved ones from the same fate. The fungus does not spread through close contact between sick and healthy people, but it spreads easily through shared objects and surfaces. Regularly treat the bathroom with disinfectant: the tub itself, carpets and floors.